Contribute to Victory Acres

We accept a wide range of giving opportunities here at Victory Acres. From serving at our events, to financial contributions, to praying for us, to physically helping us build the farm, we thank you for your generosity as we seek to foster hospitality, healing, and discipleship.

Farm workers making a trail on the farm.

Giving Opportunities

Thank you for considering giving to Victory Acres. If you are interested in contributing any of the following, please reach out to us to let us know and we would love to follow up with you.

We Help Fight Climate Change - Donate X Webflow Template

Prayer Partners

Prayer is an integral part of our ministry. We believe that God hears our prayers for the farm. Would you join us in praying for our farm, for our workers, and for our guests?

We Help Reduce C02 Footprint - Donate X Webflow Template


Discipleship is important at Victory Acres. If you are interested in serving at any of our events, such as the Nehemiah Discipleship Program, please contact us below.

We Reforesting - Donate X Webflow Template

Farm Care

Work must be done on the farm to make sure it thrives for years to come! Your generous physical labor and time goes a long way in helping us care for the land our farm lives on.

We Develop Sustainable - Donate X Webflow Template

Expand Our Reach

We love it when our guests tell others about our farm and the opportunities that are open to them! If you enjoy your time on the farm, consider sending this website to a friend or telling them about your experience at Victory Acres. This is a place for hospitality, healing, and discipleship, and we are excited to share it with everyone.